This object is special for several reasons. Because listening to the customer’s wishes, a special campfire place 1.5 m in diameter was created. The area around the campfire site was paved with broken stones in half, but sawn boulders were also paved in places. At the outer edge of the paved campfire, a retaining wall 12m long and 50cm high was created, but at the same time the retaining wall serves as a long stone chair on which all guests can sit in a row. The total diameter of the campfire in this object is 6m. The retaining wall was made of irregular, rectangular and sawn stone slabs. Combining sawn and broken Latvian stones together, a unique combination of stone materials was obtained, which will not leave indifferent more than one guest. Also in this object, each stone was chopped and sawed with special stone tools. In this way, the fireplace got an even style of masonry throughout. As a result, a large fireplace was built with a paved area, which was intertwined with a long retaining wall or stone chair.
Stone materials used in the object:
- Small irregularly shaped stone slabs:
Side lengths: 7-20 cm
Thickness: 5-7 cm
- Material – Latvian boulder (multicolored)
Broken stones on one side.
Side lengths: 20-40 cm
Thickness: 10-15 cm
Material – Latvian boulder (multicolored)
- Rectangular / square stone slabs
Side lengths: 10-40 cm
Thickness: 8-10 cm
Material – Latvian boulder (multicolored)
- Sawn stones in half.
Side lengths: 10-50 cm
Thickness: 5-10 cm
Material – Latvian boulder (multicolored)